Germany Job Seeker Visa
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Germany Job Seeker Visa

What is a job seeker visa?

If finding a suitable job is your primary purpose for coming the Germany then the job seeker visa is the right fit for you. The Job Seeker Visa is a Long-Term Residency Permit, which allows you to stay in Germany for six months and look for a job. People with the Job Seeker Visa are able to visit the country and look for a job during their stay.

How you can acquire a job seeker visa for Germany

Germany is one of the few social welfare counties that are seeking qualified employees to work in well paid positions, and encourages all young, skilled people to come visit and look for employment. Therefore, if seeking employment in Germany is your goal, your best course of action is get a job seeker visa for Germany.

This job seeker visa for Germany is a Long-Term Residency Permit that allows you to stay in the country for six months and look for a job. If you manage to find a place of employment within six (6) months, you will be given a work visa so you can work and live in Germany.

Please note that having a job seeker visa does not allow you to start working immediately in Germany. It only means that you can visit the country and look for a job during your stay.
