Germany EU Blue Card?
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Germany EU Blue Card?

What is the EU Blue Card?

EU Blue Card is a work permit issued by 25 out of 28 EU Member States to highly-qualified non-EU citizens. The name EU Blue Card is a p


roduct of a combination between USA’s Green Card and the color of the European Union flag.

What are the requirements to have an EU blue card of Germany?

  • You must have an employment contract valid for at least 12 months and a salary of at least 1.5 times the average salary set for the specific year (53 836,50 Euro gross per year).
  • You must also have a university or specialized college degree showing completion of at least three years study. Alternatively, you can prove your qualifications by proving you have at least five years relevant work experience.

The European Union (EU) Blue Card holds great potential for skilled professionals to live and work in Europe. It’s a brilliant opportunity for skilled professionals looking to migrate to Europe.

How to opt for Germany EU blue Card

EU Blue Card is a work permit issued by 25 out of 28 EU Member States to highly-qualified non-EU citizens. The name EU Blue Card came as a combination between the USA’s Green Card and the color of the European Union flag. Those interested in obtaining the EU Blue Card in Germany, should initially look for a suitable job that is relevant to their professional qualifications or earlier work experience research on the internet to look  for vacancies.
